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Private Class

Personal Teacher

A personal teacher is assigned just for you.

From the pre-meeting, you will meet the most suitable teacher for you.

Customized Lesson

time, place, content, frequency and materials

from beginner to advanced, topik, kiip, 말하기, etc.,

On-site Class

Gangnam? Jongno? Itaewon? Hongdae?

We are doing classes all over Seoul.

At a time and place desired by the student.

The teacher can visit the student. cafes, offices, embassies, etc.

with the teacher

Before registration,

all applicants will have a pre-meeting with the teacher. You can meet the teacher in person and talk to the teacher about your needs. The teacher checks your level, recommends appropriate textbooks, and makes a lesson plan.​

Through the pre-meeting,

your teacher will perfectly prepare the class tailored to you and then start the first class.

Real Reviews

Dasom it’s a friendly and kind tutor. she creates a comfortable learning environment and is very patient and understanding. If u make mistakes or are struggling with something, she will work with you until you can understand it clearly. Soo friendly and so much fun - I always look forward to our lessons.



Twice a week/60 or 90 minutes per session

Depending on the pre-meeting, textbook fees may be added.



2 times a week X 4 weeks



2 times a week X 8 weeks

| The more hours you register, the more discounts apply.

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